Monthly Archives: August 2015

Pond Building Process at Backyard Blessings Part 2

(Dig & Shape) We typically build ponds by hand, but if necessary, we will bring in a machine. Almost every time we build a new water feature, the dirt that is dug out, will be used again. In normal circumstances we use the dirt to mound up where the waterfall will be going. In the process of digging out the shape of the pond, we dirt tamp the waterfall mound with a hand tamp. Dirt tamping compacts the dirt, so

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Pond Building Process at Backyard Blessings

How do I get you guys to build us a pond? Where should we build it at? Which way should the waterfall be facing? There are many questions about the process of building a pond. Once initial contact has been made, someone here at Backyard Blessings would visit you and your property and start the estimation process. We build water features to your taste and how you would want to see it in your yard. When deciding where you would

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Lily Pads: A Beautiful and Popular Pond Plant

Lily Pads are probably one our most beautiful and popular aquatic plants here at Backyard Blessings. Lilies have a way with captivating pond lovers with there beautiful flower bloom they release on the surface of the water. Lilies grow from rhizomes that are planted in a pot under the waters surface. Stems grow from the rhizomes until they reach the surface and produce round leaves we call Lily Pads. When placing your lily in your pond, you don’t want to

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Regular Maintenance is Important for a Healthy Pond

A healthy, beautiful, functioning pond doesn’t come easy. To sustain your pond in this way involves regular maintenance. Cars, homes, buildings, people and, yes, even ponds need maintenance. A lot of people have enough work on their plate to keep them busy for years, so why would they want to add more? Well here at Backyard Blessings, we can help. One of our many services is indeed maintenance. We love to provide our customers the ability to just enjoy the

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