Monthly Archives: June 2015

Limestone Causes Green Water in Ponds

In some Lime Green cases, pond owners have tried to fight the green, but it doesn’t go away. Limestone, is recognized as a cause for a spike in your pH level. So if you have any limestone in or around your pond that could be a problem and we suggest you get it away from your pond and treat the pH. Some folks have to drain the pond completely, then add fresh water. If this is the case, make sure

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Organic Debris Can Contribute to Green Pond Water

Lime Green water, in some cases, comes from too much floating “organic debris” in the pond. A small amount of “organic debris” in the pond is normal, and is recommended for your pond’s overall health. Too much debris should be treated. We recommend using a product we carry called PondFix. When added, PondFix clears up murky water and eliminates floating organic debris. All you have to do is dose according to the size of the pond. Be aware, when treating

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How pH Levels Affect Pond Water Color

There’s nothing like a nice bowl of green pea soup sometimes. What isn’t nice, is when your pond looks the same way, green pea soup. There are some elements that make your pond lime green and a few different solutions can fix the problem. High pH level in your pond can cause lime greenness in ponds. We here at Backyard Blessings can provide test strips to see if all of your pond levels are where they need to be. One

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